Theatre is growth!

Praėjusią savaitę startavo Išeities taško programa – ŠILTNAMIS!

Programa siekiame suteikti galimybę iniciatyviam jaunimui pamatyti kartu su festivaliu užaugusius KMKT spektaklius bei betarpiškai susipažinti su teatro kūrybiniais procesais, kūrėjais ir užkulisiais per susitikimus su scenos meninkais ir teatro darbuotojais ✨

Teatras augina! 🌱


Last week, the STARTING POINT program GREENHOUSE has started!
With this program, we aim to give an opportunity for proactive youth to see Kaunas City Chamber Theatre performances that have grown together with the festival and to get to know the theater’s creative processes, creators, and backstage through the meetings with the artists and theater employees ✨

Theater makes you grow! 🌱

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